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If you have been putting off writing or updating your CV, now is the time. Let us do it for you. We are experts in creating Beauty CV's and know what hiring managers are looking for.


A step by step guide for therapists that want to stand out. From getting your first job to learning all the tricks of the trade as a blogger. Discover how to set up your own business and discover what every entrepreneur should know about growing a successful beauty business.

If you don't fancy spending hours crafting that perfect CV, download our CV template that has helped thousands of beauty and aesthetic therapists find great jobs.

Advertise your Job on our site. 1 Job listing for 30 or 60 days.


Sometimes you come to a crossroads in your career and its’s hard to know which way to turn. If you wish to speak with Linda Hill in absolute confidence about options available, get in touch. The session will help you gain clarity and provide next steps to help you navigate uncertainty.


If you are looking to step up into management or currently a manager and want to hone your leadership skills, this is for you. Book you place and learn business strategies that will accelerate performance and the overall success of the business.


Whether you're a start-up or a seasoned entrepreneur that need a sounding board to help you move forward this business strategy session is for you. Linda has been a mentor for the Richmond Chamber of Commerce and is the Author of the Amazon bestselling book "Beauty Therapist to Entrepreneur" She also co-authored the book "Fit…

This advance facial workshop teaches specialist techniques that will achieve fantastic results for your clients. You will learn how to do guided breathing with your client, marma point stimulation to clear energy channels and sinus and lymph drainage techniques to remove waste products and assist in healing.


This video bundle consisting of 6 videos are for beauty salon owners & managers giving a step by step guide on how to increase your client base, sell more to existing customers and what recruitment mistakes to avoid.